NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Dog owners in North Little Rock have not been able to go to Burns Dog Park in the past month due to the recent flood and heavy rains.
North Little Rock's Parks and Recreation decided to shut down that location for good and find a new one.
Two weeks ago, Burns Park Dog Park had mud and debris covering the ground and fences from the historic flooding.
"This is the first to take the water, this is the last to lose the water," Terry Hartwick, North Little Rock Director of Parks said.
Now after the never-ending storms, it is not even usable. The park ground has water covering it with several trees blown over.
"It needs to go, it's time," Hartwick said.
He said it's a constant battle with the park's low ground that is close to the Arkansas River shore.
"It's been down a month already, so the thought process is why do this when you know probably in another month or even a large rain, we are right back where we started," Hartwick said.
He said it's a waste of taxpayers money to repair and clean this park.
"We thought, 'I'm throwing good money after bad, so let's just find a nice place with higher ground where people can use it 99% of the time instead of maybe 50% of the time,'" he said.
Now dog owners in North Little Rock will have three different locations to choose from. A new one in Burns Park, one downtown and another on the east side.
"People live all over our city and they all deserve a spot to take their dogs and pets and to run and to have fun," Hartwick said.
In these new spots, dog owners won't have to worry about underwater benches and muddy fields.
The people of North Little Rocks shouldn't have to wait too long either.
"I understand they have places they want to go and they want to take their dogs out so I think it's important for us to get something open right away," Hartwick said.