UPDATED: Simone has been found after a week on her own. Her rescuers say that she is not out of the woods yet, but she is home and in great care and monitoring.
Feline Rescue and Rehome, a nonprofit in central Arkansas that rescues cats, is currently looking for Simone, a paralyzed cat who was rescued after being dumped and allegedly shot.
Her paralysis from the waist down is due to bullet fragments in her spine.
Simone was able to get away early morning on October 24. Her caregivers found her diaper in the yard, and suspect someone might have picked her up thinking she got hit by a car.
According to Susan with the feline rescue nonprofit, "if she goes too long without being manually expressed there is the chance her bladder might rupture and she would die a painful death."
She was in the area of Williams Magnet School in Little Rock lives just a couple of houses off Evergreen near Williams School we think a Good Samaritan may have picked her up thinking she was hit by a car.
If anyone has her they can call FuRR at 501-661-0956 or email saveacat@teamfurr.org or take to Pinnacle Valley Animal Hospital.