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Burial clothing organization expands beyond Arkansas

Holy Sews, which started in Little Rock, is expanding its burial clothing service to provide comfort and support to families beyond the Natural State.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Regina Binz has been sewing for the last 15 years and her organization "Holy Sews" provides burial clothing for children lost at birth.

She sees it as a small gesture toward helping parents get through a difficult time. Her passion for the subject stems from her own experience of losing a loved one.

“I experienced the devastation of a stillbirth of my son at 17 weeks,” Binz said.

Binz's mother's comfort and support during that time is what sparked her to do the same for others.

“I was liberated from the grief and knew that I was given a purpose and in a specific task,” Binz said.

Since then, the organization has grown beyond Little Rock.

“We have a thriving chapter in the Dallas-Fort Worth area,” Binz said. “We have a chapter in Oneonta, New York and we have some satellite chapters in Arkansas... we [also] have a new chapter starting in Springfield, Missouri.”

And a recent Facebook post led to the largest order they've ever had.

“We've had orders just in December alone for upwards of 3,000 individual layette packets," Binz said. "That's more than we usually send out in a year."

Holy Sews said have enough material and hands on deck to get the order done, but hefty shipping expenses are the only thing standing in their way.

“Financial assistance donations are critical right now because of shipping expenses,” Binz said.

It’s a big task to take on but Binz and her team are glad to share this opportunity.

“It doesn't only help the families," Binz said. "It helps the nurses provide... dignity, honor and compassion during a time when it's difficult for everyone."

For those interested in helping, donations are being accepted HERE.

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