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Consumer Reports: Potentially harmful chemicals found in baby wipes

Of the 15 brands tested by Consumer Reports, seven had concerning or unclear ingredients.

DENVER — As parents, grandparents, and caregivers know, baby wipes are essential if changing diapers is part of your daily routine. But how much do you really know about what’s in those wipes touching your or your baby’s sensitive skin? Consumer Reports takes a close look at the ingredients and reveals the popular brands that may pose a risk to your baby and the planet.

If you have small children, there’s a good chance you have baby wipes stashed just about everywhere. Whether you’re using wipes for diaper changes, removing makeup, or cleaning sticky fingers, you want them to be safe for people and the planet.

Consumer Reports teamed up with the independent organization Made Safe to investigate the long list of ingredients. Of the 15 brands of baby wipes they looked at, seven had concerning or unclear ingredients. The wipes contain potentially harmful chemicals, including some that may be linked to cancer risks. Many are made of plastics that don’t break down in the environment. In addition, some brands have a low pH balance, which may irritate the skin.

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CR reached out to the companies. Coterie and Costco said they use very small amounts of certain chemicals in their wipes as preservatives or skin conditioning agents. Pampers said their ingredients and products undergo rigorous safety testing.

Consumer Reports says some better, biodegradable choices that aren’t too expensive include Healthybaby, The Honest Company, Caboo, and WaterWipes wipes.

Credit: KUSA

Some tips when shopping for wipes: avoid potentially harmful chemicals, opt for plant-based biodegradable wipes, and go fragrance-free. When storing wipes, heating them in a wipe warmer may seem like a good idea, but it can be a breeding ground for bacteria. The FDA says temperature extremes, like those in hot cars, can change the ingredients in wipes, breaking down the preservatives that protect against bacteria and mold and allowing bacteria to grow faster in warm conditions.

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And even if labeled as flushable, Consumer Reports advises against flushing them. That’s the safest way to prevent clogs.

READ MORE FROM OUR PARTNERS AT CONSUMER REPORTS: How to choose baby wipes without harmful chemicals

If you have a consumer problem, contact Steve On Your Side by filling out this form or calling 303-871-1700.

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