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Why you may have to pay to return your online shopping order

With higher prices on labor, shipping, and supplies this year, more companies are looking to save money where they can — including charges on online returns.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Whether it's the wrong size, color, or just not quite the gift you hoped for-- the season of giving can often lead to the season of returns.

For those online shopping, and returning, it's important to remember that companies might start charging you for that convenience.

It's something that some Arkansas customers are already being faced with. 

"Nike charged me — if I didn't take it back to the store they were going to charge me for a return," the shopper said. 

With higher prices on labor, shipping, and supplies this year, more companies are looking to save money where they can-- including from online returns.

Return fees are typically ranging from about $3-$10, which is a cost that's turning some shoppers offline.

Another shopper mentioned that these price increases might encourage them to start shopping in person again. 

"I think it will make shopping a lot harder and we'll probably go back into stores," the customer said. 

This is something that could actually benefit local stores like Conway's To a T Boutique, who's hoping to see more costumers switch to in-person shopping.

"I like to shop in person better, and so knowing [return charge possibilities], I definitely will shop local even more now," To a T Boutique employee, Kacey Schaeffer said.  

Retail experts believe the trend of paying to return online will probably stick around, as brick and mortar stores like To a T emphasize the benefits of shopping small.

"Whenever you shop local and stuff, it's a lot easier because you can come in here and try on things. If it doesn't work, we can do store credit, we can return, we can figure something out and you don't have to pay to get returned," Schaeffer said.

According to the National Retail Federation, $102 billion worth of online orders were returned in 2020. That number more than doubled last year, to $218 billion.

And beyond saving on return fees, To a T Boutique said that they offer something no online store can, a sense of community.

"We love to build a community where we can not only help you with your New Year's outfit, [but] create a friendship within our community and Conway," Schaeffer said.


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