LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AGFC) - A large, white, bald-headed wading bird of the southeastern swamps, the Wood Stork is the only stork breeding in the United States. Its late winter breeding season is timed to the Florida dry season when its fish prey become concentrated in shrinking pools.
In North America, this species is most commonly found along the gulf coast, on up through South Carolina, but they are an uncommon Fall vagrant to Arkansas, and can be spotted in the extreme southern part of the state in late summer to early fall.
When and if they arrive here (late August and early September are really prime time for this species in Arkansas), they're most often spotted wading in or soaring over shallow ponds, and along the barrow ditches of the Mississippi River.
There hasn't been an influx of Wood Storks this year, but we do get a number most years. A great place to bird this time of year where you may see a few of this species and other wading birds is along the Mississippi River levee from around Pendleton on down toward Lake Chicot. Hot weather car birding at its finest!