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Life jacket safety 101: What you need to know

Arkansas law requires all boats to have enough life jackets for each person on board— but there may be some things you didn't know about the law.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — To help keep you and your family safe and sound all summer long, we're taking a closer look at life jackets.

You hopefully know that Arkansas law requires all boats to have enough life jackets for each person on board— but there may be some things you didn't know about the law.

"In Arkansas, if you're under the age of 12, you're required to wear a life jacket while in the boat and while the boat is being operated," said Joe Huggins, Hunter and Boater Education Coordinator for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. "Older than that, you just have to have it accessible.”

Huggins said that while the AGFC wants everyone to enjoy themselves, safety should always come first— and a lot of times that starts with a life jacket.

“It's not going to do any good unless you've got it on. So, just because the law says it has to be readily accessible, doesn't mean that you don't need to wear it," Huggins described.

From different styles and different types, there are a few things to keep in mind before choosing the best one for you.

"The one thing you want to make sure is that they're [life jackets] Coast Guard approved. If it's loose and then if it's too small it may not support your weight," Huggins said.

Besides having a lifejacket on board for every person present, it also has to fit those individuals.

"You can't have an adult who you know weighs 200 pounds and say well here's his life jacket, this small child's life jacket," Huggins said.

Huggins acknowledged that many have been around water all of their life, however, there could come a time when someone may fall out and hit their head and become unconscious or even hit some rough water.

He said regardless, it's always best to be prepared for the unexpected. 

"You know go over some safety rules, you know with people that are getting in the boat, let them know, let them feel comfortable. Okay, here's your life jacket, let's try it on before you ever go out on the water," Huggins added. 

For more on Arkansas' boating laws and responsibilities, please click here.


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