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Little Rock pools hotspot for car break-ins

One of the best ways to beat the heat is to hit the neighborhood pool, but some Little Rock families are having their fun cut short by thieves.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — One of the best ways to beat the summer heat is to hit the pool— but some Little Rock families have had their fun cut short by thieves. 

Lots of people have been turning to social media and saying their cars have been broken into at neighborhood pools. Police explained how this is all too common this time of year.

 Theft might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the pool, but it has been the case for some of the members at Sturbridge Pool in Little Rock.

"Somebody just breaks in and takes something out of their car. We've had a few problems with that," Sturbridge Pool lifeguard, Tucker Gurney said.

He explained that the most recent car break-in happened just last week. 

"Actually, a friend of mine. While they were just sitting here swimming, they happened to hear, I don't even think they could see what was going on. But they heard somebody break into a window and then drive off really fast," Gurney added.

Since the break-ins, people have been parking their cars as close to the pool as possible. 

"We've been being a lot more careful with parking when we can see and trying to see who comes in and making sure nothing suspicious is going on," he said.

It's a problem Donna Stone dealt with firsthand while at the Chenonceau pool with her grandkids. 

"Someone came and said that a car had been broken into and it was mine. They did I guess what I call a smash-and-grab. Busted out my driver's side window," Donna Stone said.

Stone now calls it a lesson learned. 

"I had a very small purse, not much larger than a wallet, tucked completely underneath my driver's side seat," Stone said.

It was out of sight, but not out of mind for the thieves. 

"I had no money in it. nothing of value with the exception of my debit card. And I called and got it canceled," she said.

She filed a report with the Little Rock Police Department and Public Information Officer, Jonathan Tolentino, who said it's one of three received so far this summer at pools. Though it's not just happening there.

"It's kind of all over the city, unfortunately," Officer Tolentino said.

His best advice is don't take valuables with you to the pool and if you need to, bring it inside to keep with you. 

Officer Tolentino explained that it's usually the same group of people committing these crimes.

If you see anything suspicious, you're encouraged to contact the police department.

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