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Security scan detects loaded gun at Central High School

Little Rock School District administrators were forced to focus on security again after a gun was found during a random security scan on Tuesday.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Little Rock School District Administrators informed parents that a student brought a loaded gun to school at Central High on Tuesday.

The school's security team said it turned up during a random security check.

The safety and security director, Ron Self, said that there was no incident and they confiscated the gun immediately.

He also added that this is the second time a Central student has brought a gun in the last few weeks.

"I think the important thing there to notice is that it was a proactive search, it was not something that we located because of an incident," Self said.

Self said that they recently ramped up random security scans after finding a student with a gun a few weeks ago.

Then, on Tuesday they found another during a random scan with metal detector wands.

"The security was over there, it was on top of things and making sure that we're trying to keep those kids safe. And those random searches did produce this," he said.

So what happens if a student is caught with a gun or any weapon at school?

Self said that the police department would get involved. The student handbook included that the student will have to face a one-year expulsion.

"It's something that, you know, nowadays, we just don't take lightly either, you know, it's something that's pretty heavily monitored, and we take very serious," he said.

He wanted parents to know that the school will continue to take a proactive approach to prevent any future incidents from happening.

"We always do random scans, but we want to do a little bit more, just some extra random scans just to make sure the kids are kept safe," he added.

Self said that district leaders are discussing plans to bring in a weapon detection system in the future.

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