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Arkansas mom writes book detailing late son's battle with depression, addiction

An Arkansas mother is hoping to save a generation by spreading awareness about men’s mental health after losing her son.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, and one central Arkansas mom is sharing her personal story—the battle her son faced while he was alive.

Barbara Hanvey wrote a book called A Mother's Journey Through Her Son's Addiction, which shares the story of her son, 24-year-old Spencer Hanvey, who died in 2018 due to a fentanyl overdose.

"It was the most horrifying, unexpected, terrible thing that a mother can imagine losing their son," Barbara Hanvey said.

Barbara Hanvey said the book starts from Spencer Hanvey's life at an early age, reflecting on his youth and love for sports. Then, it takes a deeper dive into his life as a teen, where he started to struggle with depression and addiction.

"I asked him one time... 'why did you start smoking pot?' because that's where it all began, and he said, to keep me from putting a gun to my head," Barbara Hanvey said. "When he said that, we immediately tried to get him help."

This ongoing battle lasted for 10 years, which Barbara Hanvey said took a significant toll on her son and the entire family.

"You would never have known that because he was a gifted athlete," Barbara Hanvey said. "When he was with his family, he was just happy, and he loved to play with kids, and everybody loved him."

Barbara Hanvey said the book combines Spencer Hanvey's words and hers. It shares moments of what she would've done differently to help him.

"I had people come to me [saying] that my story hit right at home, and they are going through the same situation," Barbara Hanvey said. "I was feeling like... I was alone in all of this, but that's not the case."

Barbara Hanvey said she's sharing a piece of her son with the world.

"I have a big compassion for people struggling with their kids," Barbara Hanvey said. "I'd like to help them any way I can because that's their love... children... there's a lot of struggles that kids face day-to-day, so my heart is with them. I feel like this is my ministry now."

Click here if you would like to purchase Barbara Hanvey's book A Mother's Journey Through Her Son's Addiction.


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