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Arkansas doctors seeing uptick in COVID cases

Over the past year, COVID cases have been on a slow decline in Arkansas, but the most recent Department of Health numbers show an uptick in July.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — COVID cases have been on a slow decline in Arkansas this year, but the most recent Department of Health numbers shows an uptick in July.

The Centers for Disease Control has also seen a rise in hospital admissions nationwide.

"We are starting to see these numbers tick up gradually," Dr. Josh Lyon said.

Doctors at All For Kids Pediatric Clinic have noticed an increase in COVID cases as schools prepare to welcome students back into the classroom.

Lyon said they've gone from having one every few days to one or two positive cases daily.

"Week over week, we're starting to see about a 10% increase," Lyon said.

He encouraged parents to look for any respiratory symptoms that could be a sign of the virus.

"We're watching for kids with persistent fevers," Lyon said. "COVID gives you prolonged higher fevers. Kids, who feel and look like flu and strep, wind up being COVID sometimes."

This uptick isn't just impacting children.

Dr. Robert Hopkins at UAMS is seeing it in adult patients too. 

"Unfortunately, it's a trend similar to what we're hearing about nationwide," Hopkins said. "[It's a] real concern here in late summer."

Hopkins said even adults need to be aware of the respiratory symptoms. 

"If you've got those symptoms, don't be around other people," Hopkins said. "We don't want to spread it to others. That's the infection prevention piece at an individual level."

Pharmacist Anne Pace has noticed the recent spike in COVID cases, especially with those wanting vaccines.

"I think it's a question we get about 20 to 30 times a day," Pace said. "As everyone sees these news stories about COVID going up, they wonder, 'Should I get another vaccine?' Most people are protected and to the best of our ability."

Pace expects to receive a new vaccine in the coming months.

"We've been told [it's] probably going to be mid-September to late September," Pace said. "And updated to more be in line with the strain that is currently going around."

According to the CDC, weekly COVID hospital admissions have risen by more than 12% across the country over the last few weeks.

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