LITTLE ROCK, Ark — On August 21, the Little Rock School District says it has been notified of four students who have tested positive for COVID-19.
According to the district, the students who tested positive for the virus separately are quarantining.
The school also says the Arkansas Department of Health has determined there are no direct contacts or need for quarantining within the Little Rock school staff or student body.
On August 22, LRSD released a statement saying they had been notified of more positive COVID-19 cases.
At Brady Elementary, seven employees are quarantining as a result of one staff member with a confirmed positive case.
At Mabelvale Middle School, a parent tested positive. Her 3 children who attend different LRSD schools are also quarantining.
At Parkview High School, an assistant basketball coach tested positive. An additional coach and 18 members of the basketball team are now quarantining.
The district says both Brady and Parkview are undergoing deep cleaning this weekend and surfaces will be disinfected.