LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The Little Rock School District stated in a document that if a staff member is informed of a possible exposure of COVID-19 from a student or employee to tell "absolutely no one," and not to contact their family members or friends.
According to the district's human resources department who released the FAQs (frequently asked questions) document, the staff member must immediately tell an "LRSD administrator on site."
The FAQ sheet also includes, "If it were you, would you want everyone to know your medical information?"
Superintendent of the Little Rock School District, Michael Poore, sent out a revised version of the document on Friday.
RELATED: LRSD says 'poorly phrased' document will be adjusted after push back from teachers, parents
Gov. Hutchinson announced Thursday that districts are to begin school the week of August 24 but no later than the 26 in response to the state handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hutchinson said the reschedule comes after having a conversation with Secretary of Education Johnny Key and teachers.
In the event that there is a positive COVID-19 case in a school, Hutchinson laid out three types of responses due to the severity of the case: