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New grant provides MammoPads for 2500 mammogram patients at CARTI

A MammoPad is a foam pad that adheres to the mammography plate and it mitigates or reduces discomfort from the compression.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A cushy pink pad could help save lives.

Dr. Stacy Smith-Foley, Breast Imaging Specialist at CARTI, said their Breast Center just got a new grant providing women with MammoPads. It’s a $7,500 grant from The Association for Medical Imaging Management (AHRA) and Canon Medical Systems USA, Inc. Putting Patients First Program. 

The funds will allow The Breast Center to provide MammoPad® breast cushions for approximately 2,500 mammograms. A MammoPad is a foam pad that adheres to the mammography plate and it mitigates or reduces discomfort from the compression.

Smith-Foley says improving the mammogram experience could be the difference between life and death.

“We see women every day that haven't had a mammogram in five, ten or more years because their first experience was negative and painful,” she said. “There needs to be more awareness that the mammogram can be a more comfortable experience with our modern technology.”

MammoPads aren’t new but the technology is usually only provided with a cost. The grant makes them available for free until it runs out. Dr. Smith-Foley hopes this will encourage more women to seek care.

“One of the barriers preventing women from coming to life saving screenings is that they will be in pain so it’s good news that the MammoPad decreases discomfort,” she said.

Another benefit of the MammoPad is that it is extremely sanitary. Every woman gets her own pad. After the screening, the mammotech tears it off and prepares for the next screening with a brand new MammoPad.

Allyson Petty recently tried the MammoPad during her yearly mammogram.

“It was much more comfortable and it was not painful at all,” she said.

She said she hopes this resource will encourage more women to get their yearly mammograms. She knows firsthand how it can make all the difference.

“My mom is a breast cancer survivor and I have a sister who passed away from breast cancer in 2017,” she said. “I have another sister who opted for a double mastectomy because of our family history.”

Petty is urging people to take advantage of the MammoPad and not be afraid of mammograms.

“Any momentary discomfort is worth it as far as your health but the pads definitely made a difference as far as the comfort level,” she said.

In addition to the MammoPad, the Breast Center also has their smart curve paddle to provide additional comfort. The paddle helps distribute compression more evenly and also gets more tissue into the image for better screenings. That's provided for all mammograms.

 For more information on the Breast Center at CARTI and their visit: 

Since our founding in 1976, CARTI has been known for our team of expert physicians and their mission to provide the most leading-edge cancer treatments. Now, we're expanding that by becoming the destination for breast health and preventive services.

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