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LIST: UFO sightings in Arkansas

According to the National UFO Reporting Center, Arkansas has had 12 reports of UFO sightings in 2014.
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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) – July 2 is World UFO Day.

According to the National UFO Reporting Center, Arkansas has had 12 reports of UFO sightings in 2014.

Take a look at the sightings reported and their descriptions:

  1. May 22 – Dardanelle: Zig-zagging orb seen over Arkansas River
  2. May 13 – Bentonville: Strange fast moving light above Bentonville
  3. May 1 – Mountain Home: The moon was covered by a very strange shaped shadow, eclipsing the moon for at least 40 minutes
  4. April 24 – Rogers: Light disappear into space
  5. March 29 – North Little Rock: Orange sphere in northern Pulaski County
  6. March 16 – West Fork: Really bright light, radio stopped working
  7. Jan. 30 – Hot Springs: No information
  8. Jan. 28 – Fayetteville: Streak of green light
  9. Jan. 27 – Highfill: Triangular craft three green lights visible
  10. Jan. 24 – Beebe: Triangle UFO observed for 15 minutes over Arkansas interstate 67 just past mile marker 29.
  11. Jan. 15 – Pleasant Grove: The object was stationary, color of shiny brass, gave me the feeling of being "huge, and far away."
  12. Jan. 7 – Gassville: We saw some very unusual events in the sky that possibly involved normal aircraft and un-normal aircraft.

The sightings reported to the National UFO Center date back to 1950. See the full list: http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/ndxlAR.html

Some of the most buzzed-about reported UFO sightings: http://on.kthv.com/1o1uvi0

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