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Arkansas family opens up after weekend double homicide

Family members are pleading for answers, and community members are calling for an end to gun violence as Little Rock police continue to investigate the shooting.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Little Rock police have confirmed the identities of the two teens killed in the shooting that happened in the 1600 block of West 22nd Street on Sunday.

The victims are 13-year-old Donta Gurley and 14-year-old Naqualo Smith. 

As police investigate the teens' deaths, community members are calling for an end to gun violence.

Smith's family said he had an infectious smile that brought joy to so many.

"He was a happy man," Smith's aunt Jennifer Dorn said. "He always kept a smile on his face. He loved football. He always thought of others before himself... He touched so many people, so many people at his young age."

But on Sunday morning, their world would change.

"I got the call Sunday morning," Dorn said. "My sister told me that Naqualo didn't make it back home the night before."

Smith's family said they filed a missing person's report, and police called back and said his description matched a murder victim.

"This is a shock to everybody from us, his family, to his coaches to school," Dorn said. "Everybody is just in shock. It still doesn't feel real."

Overnight, Smith was shot and killed alongside Gurley. They were found dead just after midnight in the 1600 block of West 22nd Street.

"Naqualo wasn't mixed up in nothing," Dorn said. "This is Naqualo's first time sneaking out of the house. He never did anything like this."

His family is now preparing for a holiday without him. Dorn said the last time she spoke to Smith was about Christmas presents.

"I was texting all the kids and asking them what they want for Christmas," Dorn said. "The crazy thing is, [his gift] came in the same day we got the call."

Community members like Yolanda Harrison are pushing for an end to gun violence, teaming up with other moms to form the group Moms of Black Sons Standing Against Death.

"We advocate with other mothers by getting mothers to be a voice and speaking out and let them tell their stories," Harrison said.

Harrison knows the pain of losing a child to gun violence all too well, as last week marked five years since her son was murdered.

"I thought more about my son," Harrison said. "Now here's another mother that will have this anniversary... every year, their birthday... she's going to hurt even more."

Representing those mothers in pain, Harrison is calling on Arkansans to stop the violence.

"Let's stop turning a blind eye to this," Harrison said. "We have more power, but are we willing to use it? Are we just going to sit back and allow it to continue?"

As two families grieve the loss of their kids and search for answers.

"These are kids," Dorn said. "They're both babies. Their mommas need closure; we need closure. Just anybody with any information, just come forward, please."

LRPD said there are no suspects, but this is an active investigation. They're asking anyone with information to call in.

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