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Judge Chris Williams announces resignation from Seventh Judicial Circuit

The Arkansas Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission announced the resignation of Seventh Judicial Circuit Judge Chris Williams will be effective on March 30.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The Arkansas Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission (JDDC) has announced the resignation of Seventh Judicial Circuit Judge Chris Williams. This will be effective on March 30 and also serve as a removal from office.

Judge Williams is no longer eligible to be elected, appointed, or otherwise serve in the judiciary of the State of Arkansas as the result of four investigations involving allegations of judicial misconduct and has agreed that he will not seek or accept appointment to any other public office in the future.

Governor Sanders has been notified of Judge Williams' resignation and she will appoint his replacement. His letter of resignation can be read below:

Dear Governor Sanders:

! have this date resigned from my position as Circuit Judge of the 7th Judicial Circuit. My resignation is the result of my negotiation with the Arkansas Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission, my health, and my advancing age. By copy of this letter, I am notifying Director Abbott of my notification to you of my decision to resign.

As always, I would like to thank the fine people of Grant and Hot Spring County for allowing me to serve them. I have been truly blessed to have that privilege. It has been an honor to serve the 7th Judicial Circuit and the State of Arkansas during my over twenty years of service.

Governor, I trust you will make the right decision for the appointment of my replacement, as you do in all matters before you as the Governor of this fine state. I will continue to serve until March 30, 2024.


Chris E Williams Circuit Judge

Credit: JDDC

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