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Arkansas legislature passes significant bills before they adjourn

Friday is the last scheduled day to pass laws. However, the possibility of an extension is still on the table.

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas — Arkansas lawmakers are in the final stretch of the legislative session, with the last scheduled day to pass laws set for Friday. However, the possibility of an extension is still on the table.

Here are some of the significant bills in motion right now during these final hours:

SB396— To create the Social Media Safety Act

  • What it means: The bill would require age verification for social media users and hold social media "giants" responsible if they don't follow the law.

HB1468— To create the Given Name Act

  • What it means: The bill would require parental approval for teachers to address transgender students the way they identify. It would forbid teachers from using a name or pronoun that doesn't match the original birth certificate unless the parent agrees.

SB495—  To create the Protect Arkansas Act

  • What it means: It would force those convicted of significant offenses to serve almost all their sentences instead of getting out early. It would also add more prison beds and correction officers by 2025. The bill comes with a hefty price tag of $470 million. Nevertheless, it is on the Senate's agenda for Friday.

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