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What Arkansas veterans need to know about PACT Act benefits

Millions of veterans across the country are now eligible for new healthcare benefits as part of the PACT Act. Here's what those impacted in Arkansas need to know.

ARKANSAS, USA — On Monday, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare held the first ever ‘Summer Vet Fest’ which is an event aimed at having resources in one place for Arkansas Veterans.

“From whole health to advanced directive planning, to meeting with veteran service organizations and meeting some of the providers we have here,” said Arlo Taylor, Public Information Officer for the CAVHS.

The big focus at the event was the PACT Act, a law that expands benefits and health care coverage for Veterans that were exposed to burn pits and other toxic chemicals.

“Not only the amount of benefits, but it expanded the area of coverage for different time periods all the way back to the Vietnam War,” said Crystal Pearson, a registered nurse with the VA.

She also explained that the expansion is vital.

“I know several Veterans that have been able to go to get to 100% because of these cancer diagnoses and things like that that really weren't tied. So, the PACT Act gives them the ability to not have to go through all the hoops,” Pearson added.

Veterans like Mark Ross agree that this is going to have a positive impact on those who served— like him.

“I have a pacemaker I also have an implant due to respiratory issues,” said Ross. “We did a lot of burn pits and I guess you can say generator exhaust while we were in Iraq.”

The line for information and toxic exposure screenings was not short, but Ross explained that he was happy to wait.

“We served when we were in wartime, we have to be patient. So, we're patient here,” Ross added.

Ross hopes that more Veterans will be taken care of under this new law.

“We went over there and served our country. So, I think that the VA and the United States government should be taking care of all veterans that were exposed to various items,” he said.

If you were not able to attend and are not sure if you are eligible for VA healthcare, you can give them a call at (501) 257-5656. Please press option 1 when calling.

Anyone who is eligible and needs to get a toxic exposure screening call (501) 257-6020.

Veterans are urged to get their paperwork done before August 9 and if it's done by then, they could receive compensation that would date back to last August when the president signed the bill.

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