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Are at-home flu tests available to buy at the pharmacy?

If you've felt sick recently, you may have found yourself wondering if it is possible to find at-home flu tests the same way you can get COVID-19 tests.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — It is the season of giving and unfortunately, it's also the season of giving each other a cold, covid, or the flu. 

Of course, vaccines are your best bet at fighting the flu. However, if you believe you have the flu can you pick up an at-home test just like a covid test?

Anne Pace with Kavanaugh Pharmacy has your answer.

"As of right now, you cannot get at-home tests. I have seen that there are multiple companies working on it because it is very similar to a covid test. However, right now they are not available for an over-the-counter purchase like an at-home covid test," she explained.

If you have been showing flu symptoms but are hoping to avoid having to make an official doctor's appointment to find out, there is a solution.

"Flu testing you can go and get a flu test at a lot of pharmacies. They use a lot of the same technology that is used in covid tests. You can make an appointment on the pharmacy's website, or you can walk in. It takes about 15 minutes," Pace said.

Another good note is that if you've already had the flu this season., that doesn't mean you're good for the rest of the season.

"[There are] multiple different strains of the flu. There are A-strains and B-strains. The common myth is if you get it once you can't get it again. That's incorrect," she said.

The good news however is if you haven't been vaccinated for the flu yet, it's not too late.

"Don't forget about getting the flu shot yourself so you can help protect the people around you. So, you don't get the shot and be around family members or people who decided not to get the shot. Get it for yourself so you can protect others as well," she added.

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