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Safety concerns grow for kids at dangerous Kanis Road bus stop in Little Rock

Multiple parents are worried for the safety of their young kids at a bus stop on Kanis Road in Little Rock and want it moved— but so far haven't seen any changes.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Several Little Rock School District parents are sounding the alarm over safety concerns involving a bus stop which they claim is putting students as young as kindergarteners at risk on a busy Little Rock street.

Monique Moore’s children's bus stop sits off the intersection of Leander and Kanis Road, which requires them to cross busy streets to get to.

Moore and other parents said the location makes them worry for the safety of their elementary-aged kids, and expressed frustration since they want the bus stop moved, but haven't seen any changes or improvements yet.

"We stand down here, praying every day, praying for the safety of the children," Moore said.

Moore's two children and granddaughter are students at the Little Rock School District. She walks them to their bus stop every morning, but it's not just a stroll to the edge of their apartment complex— it's a hike to Kanis Road.

"We have to walk up a hill, cross a street, come down the hill, and then you have to cross over the street to get to the bus stop side," Moore explained.

On their walk, the children and Moore have a system with the youngest in the front as she keeps guard in the back. When they make it to the end of their available sidewalk, Moore crosses halfway in the road to let the kids run across with her supervision.

They have rules when they make it to the bus stop too, since the grassy portion where they stand is only a few steps away from the busy intersection.

"They have to stand behind the fire hydrant for their safety so that they're not anywhere near the curb because this is Kanis and John Barrow, this is a racetrack," Moore described.  "Just sit here for five minutes and watch, you’ll see the speed of the traffic."

The speedy traffic and lack of awareness of drivers is the biggest push in why Moore and other parents, like Deosha Agnew, want something done.

"The cars that pass on Kanis don't slow down,” Agnew said. “Many cars come around the curb on Leander very fast and can easily hit one of these kids when they try to cross to get to and from the bus stop. It's very unsafe. I'm not even safe myself standing down here, and I'm 40 years old."

Agnew said her worries are heightened because her youngest is in kindergarten.

“These are extremely little kids, and they can’t stand down here alone, so we must be here for them,” Agnew said. “I have a five-year-old and I would not dare leave her down here."

Both Moore and Agnew have voiced their concerns with the district and other entities, but each said their concerns have been dismissed.

“I've been down there twice, I've made phone calls, but they don't call me back and don't want to answer the phone,” Moore said. “They're not listening to us, and I don't feel like we're being heard.”

Agnew said in her own discussions, she brought up instances of other Little Rock School buses making the trip up the hill on Leander.

“They told me that there are no buses that come up there, but I actually got it on video and recorded it myself," Agnew said.

THV11 even captured video of a district bus turning right on Leander, heading towards one of the two apartment complexes on their same street— and Moore said they want the same treatment.

"We want them picked up at the end of our apartment complex because we know there's more than one bus that already comes up there,” Moore said. “Why can't they catch a bus up there?"

In a statement request to the Little Rock School District, officials there directed us to the school bus provider, First Student.

First Student is a contractor that provides services for eligible non-special needs students, while the district provides services for special needs communities.

They are responsible for providing a bus stop according to the guidelines set forth by the school district.

In a statement, First Student responded to the parents’ concerns about the dangerous bus stop off Kanis.

"At First Student, our safety is our top priority. We are aware of the concerns about a bus stop off Kanis Road and have carefully evaluated it. Our routing team and drivers have found it to be the safest option for students, parents, and other drivers. We will keep monitoring this location and traffic situation."

Moore explained that she did get a safety stop request form, which was the first helpful step toward progress for her.

“They did get the original and I kept the copy so they can't say, I didn't try to do anything about it because yes, I did," Moore explained.

For now, Moore is patiently waiting for the next step from the officials who make decisions on bus stop location, but as the school year continues, her worries have piled on.

"When Daylight Saving Time rolls around, I have to stand in the middle of Leander with a flashlight to let my babies cross the street safely," Moore said. “I'd rather take the chance of getting hit before I let them get hit and if us as parents don't speak up for our child, then they’ll think this is ok, but they need to move the bus stop and think about the safety of these babies."

She added that if the bus stop is not changed, she will have to find an alternate way to get them to school.

According to a statement from the Little Rock School District, officials said that any request for a safety stop with the transportation team made by a parent or guardian will be reviewed by a panel, which is responsible for evaluating such cases, and they will provide a decision within 30 days.

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