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Does the cold start to 2024 mean we'll see fewer bugs this spring?

There are over a million different types of insects, and most can adapt to the weather accordingly— but will a cold start to the new year mean fewer bugs?

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — It's been a very cold start to 2024, with temperatures falling not just below freezing, but even below zero in some locations. However, could enduring these bone-chilling days pay off once it warms up? 

Typically, insects can sense the approach of colder weather and seek shelter to survive— but will the icy start to the new year cause us to see fewer bugs later on?

"We would like to think that winter would kill off some pesky insects, but unfortunately, we’re not going to see that big of a decline,” said Dr. Jon Zawislak, an assistant professor of Entomology with the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture.

Dr. Zawislak explained that there are over a million different types of insects, and most can adapt to the weather accordingly. 

“A lot of them are really used to cold temperatures and cold weather. They develop different strategies for surviving," he explained. "We may see a slight decrease but nothing significant a lot of their populations are going to be able to rebound quickly when it does warm up.”

As the old saying goes, the state bird of Arkansas is the mosquito and unfortunately, Arkansans can expect them to return when the heat and humidity does as well. 

"A lot of them will enter what’s called diapause. Basically, like hibernation where they find a sheltered location in the ground or under tree bark. Even inside of a hollow log somewhere that protects them from the weather they go into a low energy state," Dr. Zawislak added.

And when they do return, be sure to remember these tips.

“Clean up your yard and clean out your gutters. Make sure they drain and there is no standing water. Nothing sitting around your backyard that collects stagnant water. That’s where mosquitos breed and it does not take them long to do that,” he advised.

If you have a great question you’d like answered send an email to Hayden Balgavy at hbalgavy@thv11.com or on Facebook.

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