HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (KTHV) – On Sunday, a Garland County Detention Deputy was attacked by an inmate.
According to the Garland County Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Lee Coatney was attacked by Garland County inmate, 32-year-old Joshua Boyette.
Reports state that Deputy Coatney was attempting to lock down his housing unit on Sunday evening when inmate Boyette refused to follow orders and enter his cell as instructed.
Deputy Coatney called for backup as he approached the inmate who continued his non-compliance. O.C. foam spray was deployed towards Boyette, at which point he attacked the deputy.
Backup deputies arrived within one minute at which point Boyette surrendered. Deputy Coatney was transported to a nearby hospital to be treated for the injuries and was later released.
Boyette was charged with second degree battery, a class D Felony, by Investigator Brandon Huckaba at the Garland County Detention Center. He was originally incarcerated on June 14 for residential burglary.