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Hot Springs non-profit stopping construction after several break-ins

Our Promise is building a house for cancer patients needing treatment. Now, it's delayed after someone stripped the copper wiring several times.

HOT SPRINGS, Arkansas — It's a story we've been following for more than a month. A local non-profit, once again, asking for help after multiple break-ins.

Our Promise has been building a house in Hot Springs for cancer patients to stay at while they are getting treatment.

That site has now been targeted by thieves seven times in the last few months. 

"Things were moving great. We took about 10 years to make sure we wouldn't go in debt building this house," said Stacey Pierce, Our Promise Executive Director.

Now, that has all stopped.

Thieves have stripped the property of copper multiple times, and the project manager said they have replaced the building's wiring twice.

"Every time they rob us they find a different way to get in the building," said Benny Arego, the project manager.

The destruction has resulted in $60,000 - 70,000 in damages.

A security camera was able to up video of a man walking around the property at night that could be responsible for the theft.

Construction was expected to be done by August, but now they hope it will be finished by October.

To help prevent any more destruction they've hired private security to watch over the construction site.

"I hate to just keep asking for money but that's what it's going to take to get this project done," Pierce explained.

When we reached out to Hot Springs Police Department, they said that they have been investigating the break-ins.

If you wish to help, Our Promise has set up a GoFundMe to help with the expenses that have accumulated from the copper thefts.

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