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Jacksonville community members say goodbye to Warren Dupree Elementary before it gets demolished

On Tuesday, some people in the Jacksonville community gathered to say their final goodbyes to Warren Dupree Elementary before it is demolished later this month.

JACKSONVILLE, Arkansas — Warren Dupree Elementary School in Jacksonville has been standing for the past sixty-six years, but that won’t be the case very soon, as it’s set to be demolished this summer.

On Tuesday, those with connections to the school were able to take pictures of the outside before it gets demolished

Victoria Provencio was a former student who attended and has more than one connection to Warren Dupree— Her younger sister also went there, and her mom worked in the cafeteria.

She also said she met her best friend there and formed other relationships that have lasted until present day.

“I met a lot of great teachers here too,” Provencio said. “I do keep in contact with some of them through Facebook, which I think is pretty neat.”

The school first opened in 1958 but shut down two years ago when the new Jacksonville Elementary School opened.

It’s all part of the Jacksonville North Pulaski School District’s plan to upgrade its facilities.

 “We are on track to have all new schools in our district by 2024,” said Cheesa Williams, Director of Communications for the district. “Not a lot of school districts can say that.”

Williams also said that the demolition process for Warren Dupree should begin on Thursday, but stressed that it’s a long process, and results may not be visible right away.

She added that although Jacksonville Elementary has been well-received, she understands why it’s difficult for people who grew up at Warren Dupree.

“People remember the fun times. They remember a teacher that influenced them, or they remember making lifelong friends on the playground,” Williams said.

She also said that the district has been trying to decide what to do with the land once Dupree is demolished.

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