LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) -- The Rally to Stop the Arkansas Executions draws hundreds including actor Johnny Depp and former death row inmate Damien Echols to the Capitol Steps.
In addition to their remarks, Bishop Anthony Taylor of the Catholic Dioceses of Little Rock gave remarks urging Arkansas Governor to halt the executions of seven inmates in 10 days.
.@dawnerscott @damienechols @AsaHutchinson "There's a wrong thing to do and the right thing to do," Depp says before finishing his speech
— THV11 (@THV11) April 14, 2017
"I didn't want to come back," Echols admitted while spoke in front of the crowd, "but when I heard about the conveyor belt of death the politicians were trying to set in motion, I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't come back and try to do something."
Depp, who has stood by Echols every step of the way, said the state of Arkansas almost put Echols to death and he doesn't think "that possibility should ever happen again."
While Governor Asa Hutchinson was aware of the rally, he did not attend, but respected the viewpoint of those that gathered. However, according to J.R. Davis, the governor "more so respects the victims who have had to live with this for 20 to 25 years."
"This is the justice that was handed down, not by the governor, but by a jury of their peers," Davis said.
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State representative Vivian Flowers, who introduced a bill to ban capital punishment this legislative cycle, also spoke.