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Labor Day celebrations are underway in Hot Springs

As the summer season comes to a close, many people have been out and about in Hot Springs to celebrate this Labor Day weekend.

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. — On Sunday afternoon, Kahuna Bay in Hot Springs was packed with boats and jet skis.

With just one day left until the big Labor Day holiday, families and friends spent the day on the lake which allowed many local businesses to thrive from the increase of tourists who were in the area.

"It's the Labor Day weekend, which is the unofficial end of tourism in Hot Springs. So everybody's out at the lake. The hotels are full. A lot of people are downtown. It's just a great time to end the summer season," said Steve Arrison, CEO of Vist Hot Springs.

Arrison plays a huge part in ensuring that Hot Springs remains a top-rated tourist destination in Arkansas, and he explained how the city is already prepared for large crowds heading into Labor Day weekend.

He wants to ensure that everyone has a good time as the summer season comes to a close.

"It's been a it's been a great summer season. The water's been perfect. We haven't had any accidents to note on Lake Hamilton. So it's just been a really good summer. So we're trying to let it out with a bang," Arrison described.

In addition to tourists, local businesses have been excited about Labor Day weekend as they get much more traffic in the area in comparison to other days.

Kahuna Mart and Trejos sit right on the water and they have been greatly impacted by the influx of tourists.

"For small business, like us, or business around the city that this, that [are] like privately owned it's a lot of excitement because Labor Day brings a lot of business for the community, and also helps around. [With] servers, bartenders, you name it. So it's pretty good for the city as well," said Eli Tapia, head chef of Trejo's.

In addition to the excitement, the preparation takes a lot of effort and time. Staff at Kahuna Mart shared how they have to make sure they are up early to provide the best service for customers as they head into the busy weekend.

 "We make sure all the boats are clean, cleaning off the dock, especially, I mean, it's constant war between us and the geese. They're all over our dog, them, and the spiders all over our boat. So we have to get here extra early and just clean it all up to make sure it looks nice and neat," said Hudson Shaft with Kahuna Mart.

The City of Hot Springs is a place that regularly receives a high range of tourists in the area, but on Labor Day the city will light up and be filled to the max.

"Labor Day is just a big, big day for Hot Springs downtown. Everybody's having a great time. I was down there yesterday. Lots of people in town. Everybody's having a good time. So come out and enjoy the end of summer with people in Hot Springs," Arrison described.

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