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Free holiday gift wrapping available at Laman Library

The Laman Library in North Little Rock is making it easier for Arkansans to get their holiday wrapping done early— and for free!

NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Holiday prep doesn't always stop when the shopping is done— once a Christmas present is bought, it most likely needs to be wrapped. 

This year, a North Little Rock library is finding a solution to a holiday problem for many by helping families wrap up Christmas lists.

The Laman Library is making it easier for Arkansans to get their wrapping done by providing supplies and services for people to use.

"We're really excited to get back into the festive season," said Susie Kirk,  Communications Manager with the North Little Rock Public Library System. 

As the Christmas season ramps up, the Laman Library has a special way to wrap up special gifts. Since the holidays can be a stressful and expensive time, they've found a way to help out 

On the second floor of the Laman Library stands the gift-wrapping station where dozens of bows, ribbons, and rolls of wrapping paper are ready to be snipped, folded, and taped.

"It's here in our maker space,” Kirk explained. “We have all kinds of different paper, birthday, Christmas, wedding, and we have ribbons, glitter paper supplies, pretty much anything that you can imagine.”

There's also a special prize for the gift wrappers— the supplies in the gift-wrapping station are 100% free to use.

“We want to take a little bit of that burden and pick one less expense off your list,” Kirk said. “It's stuff that's going to get ripped up and thrown away anyway. So, we're glad to offer these supplies for free to anybody who can make it to the library.”

This isn't the first holiday season for the gift-wrapping station, but Kirk said that this year, there's even more to go around. 

“We've had smaller versions of it in the past. and as we've revamped this space, we've also revamped our gift-wrapping station,” Kirk said. 

On top of free supplies, there are employees available who can help turn any package into perfection. 

“I thought I was a good gift-wrapper before I came to the library, but they take it to the next level,” Kirk said. “If you run into any issues and need help elevating your gift wrapping, they're here.”

Whether you're a pro or beginner, as long as the Laman doors are open, so is the gift-wrapping station.

“If you live in the area and can make it to the Laman Library, you're able to use these supplies,” Kirk said.

Throughout the North Little Rock Public Library System, there are other chances to take part in gift giving and gift wrapping.

The ‘Untrim the Tree Pulaski County Gift Drive’ is also underway, with ornaments already on trees in both the Laman Library and Argenta location.

Kirk said there are limited names left on the trees, but each ornament has a wish list for a child in the Pulaski County area.

“Visit one of our library locations either on Orange Street or on Main Street, get an ornament and it's going to have a wish list with the child's information, age, and then you just bring those gifts back here unwrapped by December 15,” Kirk said.

December 15 is the deadline to return the gifts, followed by a gift-wrapping party on December 16 at the Laman Library.

“That's a Saturday here at Laman Library and we're open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.,” Kirk explained. “So, all day there will be festivities and gift wrapping, but it coincides with our 100 families of Pulaski County Gift Drive.”

 More information on the gift drive and gift-wrapping party can be found here


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