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Little Rock neighbors helping recover from tornado damage

Jerry Shurgar and his church community are making their rounds, helping their neighbors recover from the disastrous tornado that hit Arkansas last week.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Following last week's tornadoes, Arkansans are coming together for one common goal— to help each other.

Even storm victims are stepping up to help their neighbors.

A group from Trinity Episcopal Cathedral spent Thursday going door to door in Cammack Village, delivering storage bins full of cleaning supplies. 

Jerry Shurgar organized the event and was in the tornado's path. Although he's dealing with his cleanup project, it's not stopping him from helping his neighbors one storage bin at a time. 

"As soon as the disaster hit, we were ready," Shurgar said.

The group focused on the Kingwood area of Cammack Village, giving out dozens of tubs filled with cleaning supplies. Shurgar knows the supplies are needed because the tornado hit his house too.

Shugar said he and his wife had to cut their way out of the house because of all the downed trees. 

"You just do what you know how to do," Shurgar said. "You go into survival mode and take care of business."

He said he's grateful to be alive and wants to give back to his community to help people get back on track, but Shugar isn't the only one lending a hand.

"People were appearing with chainsaws," Shugar said. "Kids were making peanut butter sandwiches and bringing wagons of sandwiches, water and food... we're alive, and we'll get through it."

Wes Lacewell is one of the neighbors impacted and said he's grateful for all the help and cleaning supplies.

"I can't believe how much the city and the people came together so quickly," Lacewell said. "Perfect strangers helping, utility and police and military, neighbors. It's been unbelievable, and that's a good example."

Now, he can use the cleaning supplies at the back of his house. 

"[A] big tree fell on my roof... did some damage," Lacewell said. "Took out my fence and deck, but overall fairly lucky."

And they don't plan to stop after just one day: Shurgar and his church community plan to beautify the neighborhood this summer by planting trees.

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