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Little Rock neighbors express concern regarding unleashed dogs

Little Rock residents say it's been going on for decades, and recently, the dogs have bitten and injured kids.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Little Rock neighbors joined to solve the problem of loose dogs in the area.

They said it's been going on for decades, and recently, kids have gotten hurt from dog bites.

"I tried to get off the bike," Nehemiah Grimes said. "Then the dog went running and bit me."

Three months ago, 7-year-old Nehemiah was bit by an unleashed dog in his Little Rock neighborhood, resulting in dozens of stitches in his arms and legs.

And a month ago, another child was bitten by a loose dog.

"This random dog came over there and bit me," Victorious Batson said. "The owner was not outside. I was crying; it was the scariest moment I ever had."

People have had enough.

Several gathered to bring awareness to the issue and ask the city to help them crack down on free-roaming dogs in the area.

"Now, I usually walk with a stick and a machete," Patricia Harvey said. "The dogs are just that bad."

Little Rock Director Joan Adcock and a Little Rock Animal Services manager listened to people's complaints and tried to devise solutions. 

Animal control has taken in more than 4,000 dogs this year alone, up from previous years.

"We are going to have to do a better job of educating the public on our leash law and what the ordinances are," Little Rock Animal Services Assistant Manager Bernard Bracely said.

In Little Rock, no dog can run around without a leash, even in your front yard. 

Those affected and the Arkansas Community Organization offered solutions, like posting more signs about the leash laws in the city and even creating a billboard for more visibility.

If you see an unleashed dog and need animal control after hours, call 311, and an officer will come check out the area.

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