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Little Rock releases strategy plan for city departments

The City of Little Rock released its new ROCKfolio, a comprehensive report for each city department showcasing the goals they want to achieve during the year.

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas — Building trust and transparency— that's the goal for the City of Little Rock's new ROCKfolio.

The ROCKfolio is a comprehensive record that is kept of each city department's goals and areas of improvement.

"[We are] truly using performance measures to tell the story of the city," said Marquis Willis, Little Rock's Chief Data Officer.

It's a 144-page book about all city departments in Little Rock, where each department head listed what they want to see improved throughout the year.

This first edition of the portfolio will be the baseline for how successful the city is in the future.

"Creating goals inside of each individual department and allowing the departments to go through and try to hit those goals," said Willis.

For example, the Department of Emergency Communications has had multiple complaints of delayed answer times for 911 and even some calls that have gone unanswered.

The City of Little Rock says 92% of calls are answered within 20 seconds. However, the goal is to have 95% of those calls answered in that time, as well as, being 100% staffed.

"So, for us to not be fully staffed, but still to be above 90% is pretty good however there's an opportunity for us to do better and improve," said Willis.

The city plans to release an updated version of ROCKfolio twice a year. One release will be during mid-year and the other at the end of the year. 

The city hopes this will give them a better idea of what's working and what's not.

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