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Little Rock directors to vote on fire department improvements

There are three items on the Little Rock city board's agenda for Tuesday night that could benefit the Little Rock Fire Department.

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas — On Tuesday night, the Little Rock city board is expected to meet and make decisions regarding new additions to the fire department.

The first thing on the board of directors' agenda will be a contract with Arkansas Heart Hospital to have annual physicals done for the fire department.

"It's very physically demanding. It's also very stressful in regards to going from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds," said Captain Doug Coffman with the Little Rock Fire Department.

Captain Coffman explained how not only is it necessary but it has been great for preventative measures for health concerns.

"We've actually had folks who have had issues and those problems were found before anything major happened," he added.

The directors are also deciding on a contract with Working Fire Furniture and Mattress. The contract is worth $67,000 which will come from leftover funds from a Little Rock Fire Department special project.

Captain Coffman said that money would go toward getting new office chairs, kitchen tables, recliners, and mattresses for their space.

Lastly, the directors could approve a land donation for the newest fire station. Little Rock Fire Station No. 25 will be located in West Little Rock near Robinson schools.

"The city continues to grow that way. It will greatly improve the response times because there are not that many fire stations that far west," said Capt. Coffman.

The Little Rock board of directors will meet on  Tuesday night at 6:00 p.m.

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