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Garland County officials seek solutions amidst Hot Springs Village senior center closure

After CHI St. Vincent Hospital announced it is looking for a new partner, senior citizens in Hot Springs Village have questions.

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. ā€” Senior citizens in Garland County have been left with many questions after CHI St. Vincent Hospital announced that they are looking for a new partner. 

The hospital said that they're looking for a new organization that can take over a contract with the McAuley Senior Center in Hot Springs Village and with the Meals on Wheels Program that is based there.

The center and meal program have both served the community since the early 1990sā€” providing free events and over 450 meals per day to seniors in the area.

Hospital officials explained that the reason why they're cutting ties and looking for a new partner is so that they can "maintain the financial health of the ministry for generations to come."

Seniors who attend the McAuley Center have been left disappointed after learning of the news.

"It's a beautiful facility, and it's been here for a long time and yes, I'm sad that the hospital is pulling out of the contract," Judy Rowe said. "It would be a disappointment to the seniors here in the village area."

Garland County officials have been actively working to find solutions to the problem so that they can ensure no one is left out.

"What we're looking at is an activity center and a place to house our meals on wheels, which delivers and feeds congregate about 500 people per day," said Garland County Judge Darryl Mahoney.

The people behind Area Agency on Aging in Hot Springs have been in contact with county officials to assist in the locating process of a new facility. Meanwhile, officials in Garland County said that if there's no one to pick up the Meals on Wheels program then their agency will take it over.

Judge Mahoney said a committee meeting took place earlier this week where funding and next steps were discussed.

"We have commitment from the City of Hot Springs for $500,000, the county for $500,000, and then we are going to use some funding internally here to finish the building," Judge Mahoney added. "We expect it to cost somewhere between $3.5 to $4 million."

With an estimated cost of up to $4 million, the city hopes to negotiate with CHI St. Vincent to acquire a piece of property near the hospital.

Judge Mahoney also said that they are in need of community support and donations to ensure that Hot Springs Village has a brand-new senior center.

As for what the next steps are, Judge Mahoney has been actively searching for an architect and construction management firm in an effort to begin the bidding process.

Committee members are also set to meet at the beginning of September to discuss further plans of a new senior center.

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