LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Dr. Victor Biton is an accomplished neurosurgeon, born in Israel, now working in Little Rock.
He's also a grandfather to Theo and Verona, who loved the stories he would tell so much, the doctor wrote them down and got them illustrated.
He has self-published these colorful, wildly imaginative stories like "The Giant Chicken of Portugal," which kids at Batesville loved when I read it to them a couple of months ago.
I asked him how he finds time to write.
"This is fun. This is not work, it's just most enjoyable thing I can do. And spending time with them [his grandchildren] and get inspired and come up with funny stories and ideas, and there is nothing that is more rewarding," he explained.
His latest story is "The Cloud Cyclops," inspired by his granddaughter Verona.
I'll debut it next week on the Reading Road Trip at Mablevale Elementary.
Never underestimate the creative abilities of grandfathers.