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Pulaski County's new litter system picks up trash more efficiently | What to know

The Madvac allows litter crew employees to suck up and bag trash automatically without actually having to bend over and pick it up piece by piece.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Littering continues to be a problem throughout Pulaski County, building up on back roads and side streets.

“Unfortunately, people are quick to throw litter out of cars,” Pulaski County Litter Crew Supervisor John McClelland said. “It doesn't matter if you're on our major or back roads.”

But McClelland and his crew think they may have found a solution to cleaning it up.

Pulaski County has already picked up more litter in August than it did in all of 2023, and it's thanks to a new vacuum-like system called the Madvac, which sucks up and bags the trash found scattered on the side of the road.

"If you ever picked up litter and tried to put it in a five-gallon bucket or into a plastic bag, you're always struggling to do it,” McClelland said. "This will pick up 10, 20, 50, or 100 pieces at a time, just depending on what it is."

The switch to this system took place in September 2023, and using the Madvac instead of manually picking up the trash has dramatically improved the litter crew’s numbers.

"Last year, the litter crew picked up 1,250 bags," McClelland said. "This year... we should surpass the 1,250 bags of litter picked up this year."

McClelland said that when they clean up litter, the community quickly recognizes them for their hard work.

"The public is just so glad to see us out,” McClelland said. “Everybody's tooting, beeping, waving, stopping, saying, ‘Thank you. Do you need a glass of water?’ The public has had a great response to it. It's been a really positive program."

McClelland said if you see the litter crew out and about, slow down and proceed with caution—there’ll be signs warning you of their presence before you get to the Madvac.

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