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Razorback fans heading to Texas

Before each game, Holmes places more than 250 magnets on his car.
Gayle Holmes' Hog Mobile.

SHERWOOD, Ark. (KTHV) - For the first time in Texas Bowl history, fans snatched up every last single-game ticket.

Monday's bowl game will be the 78th match-up between the Hogs and Horns, and Razorback fans say it is a rivalry that is near and dear to their hearts.

You grab your Razorback gear, pack the car with food and drinks and get on the road. Before one Razorback fan does all that, he takes an extra 20 minutes to add some extra special touches you cannot miss.

"If I had a dollar for every time the car had its picture made I would be rich," said Gayle Holmes.

Gayle Holmes hits the road Monday morning for Texas with his grandson Blake and his longtime friend David White.

"This will be the 64th game in a row," said Holmes.

Day to day, Holmes drives a white Pilot, but for Razorback games, he turns this every day car into the Hog Mobile.

"From a bare white truck to one with Hogs all over it," said Holmes.

Before each game, Holmes places more than 250 magnets on his car.

"Arkansas is one team I have always stayed with and will stay with," said Blake Holmes.

All because his grandfather's love for the team wore off on him.

"It is just fun to have the people comment about it," said Holmes. "Take pictures of it."

The Longhorns have now won the last two Bowl match-ups and have the lead in all-time victories over Arkansas, 56 to 21.

"It is going to be great to see that game played again between those two teams," said Holmes.

Holmes started decking his car out 30 years ago.

Holmes added, "It slowly turned into a piece of art."

For every game, Holmes puts the magnets on and then takes them back off. He says he does this, because people have stolen them in the past or else he'd leave them on all year long.

Holmes started collecting Razorback gear about 20 years ago. He and all the road-tripping Hog fans need to get to Houston in time for the Texas Bowl kickoff a little after 8 p.m. central time.

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