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Samaritan's Purse helps Arkansans impacted by tornado

Hundreds of volunteers and organizations, including Samaritan's Purse have been helping Central Arkansas clean up after the tornado.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Volunteers who have been helping with the tornado recovery efforts are proving that they're here for the long haul.

It's more than two weeks later and the clean-up remains daunting— but those impacted aren't forgotten.

Legina Boswell's house in Little Rock's Walnut Valley neighborhood was hit by the tornado, and she explained that she's grateful for all the help she has received.

"They just show up with everything and fix it. It's like, it's, it literally is a helping hand from above," Boswell said.

She has owned the house since 2017 and although she no longer lives there, Boswell helped her daughter and son-in-law make it a home for their growing family. 

Luckily, she said the majority of the house is fine, and can all be fixed. 

Non-profit organization, Samaritans Purse has stepped in to help with that. 

"We go all around the world helping with disasters," Rachael Miller with Samaritan's Purse said.

Miller said they've been focused on getting people back in their homes as soon as they can. 

During this recovery, there have been more than 400 volunteers helping out.

"We do chainsaw work, tarping. And then we also help homeowners salvage belongings," Miller explained.

There's no cost for the homeowner.

Boswell said she has been overwhelmed by all of the help and support during this challenging time.

"This has been really been a blessing. You know, people don't understand. When they show up, they help. It's incredible," Boswell said.

They plan to stick around to help as many neighbors who need it. 

"We address every single request that we have. We're planning to be here for about two more weeks, but we may need to extend depending on the need in the community," Miller said.

"They're kind of like superheroes," Boswell said.

If your house was damaged in the storm, you can call Samaritan's Purse at (501) 519-3810 and if you want to volunteer with the organization, you can reach out to them at (501) 553-2890.


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