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Residents in Sherwood neighborhood return to their homes after standoff

An entire road was blocked off for 18 hours in one Sherwood neighborhood due to a SWAT standoff, because of this many people weren't able to get into their homes.

SHERWOOD, Ark. — Residents of the Hollyridge neighborhood in Sherwood said that Monday night was very long— An entire road was blocked off which meant the people who call that area home, couldn’t actually get to their homes.

Alyssa Fawbush shared fond memories of her childhood home on Hollyridge, and on Monday that home was used as a base during a SWAT standoff.

“Just not being able to get to essential medications, not being able to get your clothes. My sister works too, she couldn't get her things for work,” explained Fawbush.

Alyssa and her family were left confused and they were trying to piece together what could've happened.  

“I just thought maybe somebody, it might be an older elderly person, had died or something at first,” said Fawbush.

Shelby Hibss who grew up in the neighborhood has also been looking for answers.

“I had no idea what was happening,” said Hibbs. “That's the most frustrating thing is that no one really seemed to know, except through gossip.”

Hibbs was even more frustrated that she couldn't get to her pets.

“Knowing that there was a lot of gunfire at three o'clock in the morning I can only imagine what they experienced being by themselves in the house,” Hibbs added.

After waiting for hours people were finally able to get into their homes.

“I got in about 7:20 this morning,” said Hibbs.

Though they were finally able to go inside their homes, they've still been trying to process what happened.

“It's very tense. Still just trying to come down from everything a lot happened,” said Fawbush.

“It was really eerie to think about what happened. Just a couple houses down,” Hibbs said.

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