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UCA hosts incoming freshmen move-in day for 2024 school year

On Sunday, incoming freshmen took their first steps onto the University of Central Arkansas campus in Conway for 2024 freshmen move-in day.

CONWAY, Ark. — Both parents and students faced a bitter-sweet moment on Sunday as freshmen move-in day began at the University of Central Arkansas. 

Cars lined the campus and volunteers were right there to assist students with moving in their belongings during a busy day.

To get to this point, volunteers and orientation leaders took part in training that began in May. UCA President Houston Davis said it took a lot of hands to ensure that Sunday's move-in process was fast and efficient for parents and students to enjoy.

"We have literally hundreds, almost 1,000 volunteers come out to make this day possible to where our families will pull right up to the front of their residence hall, and their things will be up and in their room in about three minutes," President Davis said. "And to be able to lighten that load for them, literally. We're very happy to be able to make that day just a little bit smoother for them."

This year, the university witnessed a significant number of incoming freshmen— about 2,150 students. That number was able to surpass last year's number of incoming freshmen at about 1,600 students.

University officials said they also planned ahead to ensure the increase of students wouldn't interfere with the total number of rooms they had on campus.

"We did contract with an off-campus location. The Edge is an apartment complex that we've reserved 100 beds, additional beds this year. But with our existing inventory and those 100 additional beds, we were able to take care of everybody," President Davis described.

Classes will begin on Thursday, August 22, 2024, so students have a few more days to enjoy activities such as convocation and more.

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