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Volunteers help busy Jacksonville warming center

The First Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville opened its doors as a warming center when the days got cold, and it hasn't stopped growing since.

JACKSONVILLE, Ark. — When the cold closed in on central Arkansas, the First Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville opened its doors. 

And they've been seeing more people each day they've been open.

Jacksonville Mayor Jeff Elmore said many more people are using the center than in the past.

"We started with 10 on our first Friday night," Elmore said. "Saturday and Sunday with 13, and now here we are. It was 23 last night."

But more people means a greater demand for volunteers, so Elmore posted on Facebook and got a significant response.

"We've had people who've just shown up and said, 'Hey, what can I do?' or 'Can I go get something? What do you need?'" Elmore said. "The residents of our city would have stepped up in a big way."

That includes Elmore, who has volunteered every day they've been open.

"Getting to know everybody on a first-name basis," Elmore said. "It's been good."

In the future, the church plans to keep a bed and a hot meal ready. 

"As long as the temperature is unsafe for others to be outside, we're going to be open," Member Michael Scroggins said.

Additionally, Scroggins said the church is open to anyone in need, and it is currently helping people from across Arkansas.

"I feel like we're loving our neighbor," Scroggins said. "That's a good thing... serving where the need is, and it's definitely here at this time."

Elmore said the church will be open at a minimum for overnights over the next few days.

More information on warming centers can be found here.

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