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Arkansans react to inauguration of Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Hundreds of Arkansans watched today as Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave her inaugural address and outlined her vision for the state for the next four years.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — On Tuesday, hundreds of Arkansans watched as Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave her inaugural address and outlined her vision for the state for the next four years.

The morning was a peaceful transfer of power— with a new governor, of course, will come new ideas and plans for the natural state.

Robbie Hoffmon, who was among the crowd watching and listening, said that he'd like to see a change in crime.

"Get law enforcement to clean up the city [and] clean up the state," Hoffman explained.

Governor Huckabee Sanders said on Tuesday that she will "stand up for law enforcement."

Hoffmon also said that he hopes the governor will fulfill her promise of creating prison reform with a focus on mental health.

"As a patriot, freedom is a big deal and if you're not free, you'll feel free when you feel under attack or you're on guard all the time," Hoffman said.

Nate Todd, a local supporter of Governor Huckabee Sanders' campaign, said he's optimistic that the new generation of leadership will make a difference.

"I heard her talk about the opportunities in Arkansan, the opportunities for small businesses, the opportunities for advancement in education," Todd said.

Democratic Governor Mike Beebe attended the event to show unity with past Arkansas Governors.

Beebe told us that he would like Sarah Huckabee Sanders to tackle education and economic challenges, in addition to healthcare.

"You can educate the best populace in the world, but if you don't have jobs for them, they're just going to leave your state," Beebe explained. "Conversely, if you don't have the right kind of education, then you can't get the jobs to come here.

Beebe wants Arkansans to continue to show respect for the office, he added.

"When you're governor, you are not the governor of republicans or the governor of democrats, you're the governor of Arkansas," Beebe said.

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