NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — High School Football enters the third week of play, this is also the third week of school. As you can imagine going back to school is always a nervous time for kids. Especially this year with mandatory masks and COVID-19 concerns.
That gave North Little Rock head girls basketball coach Daryl Fimple an idea with his own daughters Katie and Payten. Now this coach/dad is taking self-motivation to whole new level.
"So the reaction to these two… they have no idea what’s about to happen when they get in."
Each morning now features a new motivational quote filled with any prop that coach sees fit.
It’s taken some time but now Katie and Payten are even bringing the motivation themselves..
"Just seeing people respond and say hey you made our days better and you know I get to enjoy time with these two and be silly and it makes my day better."