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Little Rock Southwest gears up for new football season

As a fairly new program, the Gryphons are hoping to make moves on the gridiron this fall.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The southwest Gryphons are still the new kids on the block, being in their fourth year of existence. However, they're hoping to soar to new heights this year. 

"Well, the objective is to put the best team out there and go in ballgames and make the playoffs. We've been getting better every year. The first year was kind of unfair to everybody with COVID. It was a tough year," said Daryl Patton, LR Southwest head coach. "The second year we were not very strong and that was the first year in the weight program. However, we competed and played hard and got a couple of wins. Last year, we got a little bit better, we were a little bit stronger." 

Their veteran players are another year stronger—  like last year's quarterback Makhi Mohammed and key transfers such as quarterback Chase Forte who is coming from Parkview. 

"Just our connection, our bond, even though it's been so little time, we all just get together so great," Forte described.

The athletic ability of this team is one of its talents this year. 

"I think just our speed overall, I think the numbers and just the kids bought into the program we've got we got a lot of kids that are accountable," Patton added.

After a 2-8 record last year, this team knows that there's a lot to prove this fall.

"It feels good, we already got that growth. Y'all will see this season. Everyone has been doubting us. You've got to show everybody." said Derrick Murdock, safety/linebacker. 

Murdock transferred from Little Rock Mills this past season. 

"You've gotta put on for the city. This is our city. The fact that we can come out here and make a statement and impact on Little Rock and everybody's watching.  Everybody is waiting on our downfall. I feel like a little moment right there is everything to me." said Darrell Moore, linebacker.

The Gryphons will open up the season on August 25 at Rogers.


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