NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Update: As of 4:07 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, the construction has been completed and I-40 Eastbound is once again open.
As part of some ramp construction work that is being done in the I-30/I-40 interchange in North Little Rock I-40 eastbound will be closed beginning on August 19.
I-40 eastbound will be closed in the north terminal and no thru traffic will be allowed over the weekend. The closure will begin at 10:00 p.m. on Friday, August 19, and will continue until 5:00 a.m. on Monday, August 22.
If you are traveling on I-40 eastbound traffic will detour to I-430 south at the I-40/430 interchange (Exit 147).
Traffic will then proceed south to the I-430/30 interchange and take I-30 east (Exit 129A). Traffic will continue on I-30 east to I-440 east (Exit 138A). Traffic will then return to I-40 at the I-440/40 interchange (Exit 11).
For more information regarding future permanent closures, temporary closures, and changes in traffic patterns, please click here.