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Rising gas prices could mean boom in business for public transit

You look at any gas station, it's easy to see how high gas prices are. With costs skyrocketing, it's got many of us thinking-- how can we beat the price at the pump?

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. — Take a look at any gas station and it's easy to see how high gas prices are. 

With costs rising so quickly, it's got many of us thinking-- how can we beat the price at the pump?

For those like Keith Jones, that answer is simple – take the bus.

"We've seen this sort of thing happen before, and couple of them have been pretty high fuel spikes. We know what's going to happen, we know that more people are gonna call and inquire about bus service,"  said Jones, Resident Advisor for Hot Springs Intracity Transit

With fuel prices skyrocketing, other forms of transportation are looking a lot more affordable.

Jones said while they've noticed the spike in price, they haven't seen a spike in people on public transit– at least not yet.

But, he said it's likely to happen.

"It could be over in two weeks. I doubt it, it could go on for six months or a year," Jones said.

On the surface, that may seem like trouble. The more passengers you get, the more likely it could lead to a logistical nightmare. 

The rising prices combined with Spring Break right around the corner, they'll already be busy with tourists, which could be tricky.

"I think that most people have the capacity right now. Two years ago, before the pandemic, there would be crowding issues," he said. 

But Jones isn't worried. In fact, he's looking at this as an opportunity.

"It's an opportunity to show people that transit can work for your travel if we're going where you need to go," he said.

And even if this only causes one person to take the bus instead of drive, Jones said that's good enough for him.

"It's not going to change the world, but I think we will end up getting more people educated about how to use public transit during all of this," he said.


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