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1917 is pure, beautiful movie magic

The newest film by Sam Mendes is expected to win all the Oscars and it's a gripping, immersive look at the horrors of the first World War.

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas — 1917 is pure movie magic and makes a case for one of the best war movies in decades. 

Co-written and directed by Sam Mendes (who will most likely be taking home his second Academy Award for directing) and shot by Roger Deakins (who will most likely be taking home his second Academy Award for cinematography), 1917 follows two British soldiers in World War 1 who who have to cross enemy lines to deliver a message that could save 1,600 lives. 

What follows is a horrific, immersive and mind-bogglingly impressive journey across war-torn Europe meant to look like one long shot. 

Sam Mendes and Roger Deakins are just showing off at this point. 

1917 deserves every award it wins, and is a fantastic send off to one of the best years for movies in a long time. 

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